Top 500 Songs of 2023

Top 500 Songs of 2023

500Killing JokeFull Spectrum Dominance
499Jeremiah ChiuSeawater Swell
498GIFTShare the Present
497ChiiildBon Voyage
496Blake MillsSkeleton Is Walking
495N'DekhoExile (Edit)
494Decisive PinkDopamine
493In FlamesState of Slow Decay
492Hot Facedura dura
491LomeldaScaredy's World
490ColaKeys Down If You Stay
489Harm's WayUndertow (ft. King Woman)
488CMATHave Fun
487Falling in ReverseWatch the World Burn
486Body HorrorBedwetter
485Serfs, theElectric Like An Eel
484Jay WorthyWake Up
483Gracie AdamsWhere Do We Go Now?
482DazyI Know Nothing At All
481Armed, theEverything's Glitter
480RaganaDesolation's Flower
478Joanna SternbergI've Got Me
475Neggy GemmyBlack Ferrari
474Killer MikeDon't Let The Devil
472Tkay MaidzaSilent Assassin (ft. Flume)
471Subways, the``
470SupergloomGlass Ajar
469Lady LambBetween Two Trees
468Halo MaudCatch The Wave
467AJJDisposable Everything
466MustafaName of God
465Soul GloIf I Speak (Shut The Fuck Up)
464GenerationalsDirt Diamond
463Psychotic Monks, theCrash
461Better LoversTwo Alive Amongst The Dead
459Country WesternsIt's A Livin'
458Jeff RosenstockThree Summers
457Bartees StrangeDaily News
456James BlakeLoading
455Soccer MommyHere
454Meagre MartinAll My Thoughts
453ProtomartyrElimination Dances
452Thy SlaughterLost Everything (ft. AG Cook)
451EyelidsColossal Waste of Light
450Drin, theStonewallin'
449Sweeping PromisesEraser
448Explosions In the SkyTen Billion People
447SextileNew York
445King KruleFlimsier
443That Mexican OTJohnny Dang (ft. Drodi & Paul Wall)
442Velvet StarlingsBullfight
441SupervioletBig Songbirds Don't Cry
440GeorgiaIt's Euphoric
439RahillFables (ft. Beck)
438AnymaEternity (ft. Chris Avantgarde)
437Sofia KourtesisCecilia
436Steady HolidayThe Balance
435Sofie RoyerMio
434Model/ActrizCrossing Guard
433Lost GirlsWith the Other Hand
432Sea LemonCellar
430Young FathersI Saw
429beabadoobeeGlue Song
428Hold Steady, theSixers
427Public Image Ltd.Hawaii
426Yumi ZoumaKPR
425KorineTrain To Harlem
424HeadacheTruisms 4 Dummies
423Drug ChurchMyopic
422Mary LattimoreMusic For Apply Shimmering Eye Shadow
421Sun JuneEasy Violence
420Low Cut ConnieAre You Gonna Run?
419Jane RemoverCensus Designated
418SpacemothIf I Close My Eyes and Pretend (ft. the Dodos)
417Lambrini GirlsLads Lads Lads
416Aphex TwinIn A Room7 F760
415Youth LagoonRabbit
414MinistryJust Stop Oil
413Avalon EmersonAstrology Poisoning
412Wolf EyesMy Whole Life
411Stephen SanchezBe More
410Ruth GarbusMono No Aware
409Sports TeamThe Drop
407OrbitalAre You Alive? (ft. Penelope Isles)
406Fat DogKing of the Slugs
405Spiritual CrampTalkin' On the Internet
404Danielle PonderRoll The Credits
403Vanishing TwinAfternoon X
402Avey TareThe Musical
401Rachel BobbittClay Feet
400Kirin J CallinanEternally Hateful
399Mega BogThe Clown
397Open CityReturn Your Stolen Property Is Theft
396SeafretSee, I'm Sorry
395Squirrel FlowerAlley Light
393YaejiFor Granted
392National, theDreaming
391Strange RangerRain So Hard
389MaraschinoAngel Face
388Horse Jumper Of LoveHeartbreak Rules
386ParamoreC'est Comme Ca
385Indigo De SouzaThe Water
383Hannah DiamondPoster Girl
382Greg MendezMaria
380Red Hot Chili PeppersThe Shape I'm Takin'
379SlowdiveSkin In The Game
378Dilly DallyColour Of Joy
377Jess WilliamsonTopanga Two Step
376Kristin HershMs Haha
375Candy ClawsDistortion Spear
374ClarkMedicine (Ft. Thom Yorke)
373Pure Bathing CultureThe River
372K FlayPunisher
371Sleaford ModsBig Pharma
370Menzingers, theHope Is A Dangerous Little Thing
369PrewnBut I Want More
368FaimSilver Spoon
367Julie ByrneLightning Comes Up From the Ground
366Cut WormsBallad of the Texas King
365SuperchunkSunny Brixton
364Nicole MoudaberReasons to Love You
363FeistLove Who We Are Meant To
362Kevin MorbyTriumph
361MeijaPossum (ft. Eels)
360Tame ImpalaWings of Time
359WednesdayTV in the Gas Pump
358Silversun PickupsEmpty Nest
357Devendra BanhartTwin
356EyedressThe Dark Prince (ft. Mac Demarco)
355Yves TumorHeaven Surrounds Us Like A Hood
354RatboysCrossed That Line
353Water From Your Eyes14
352Black Angels, theMy Tornado (ft. Raveonettes)
351Jessy LanzaMidnight Ontario
350Sigur RosBlooberg
349Debby Fridaylet u in
348Wild NothingHeadlghts On (ft. Hatchie)
347PalehoundMy Evil
346Heather Woods BroderickWherever I Go
345TanlinesOuter Banks
344TennisLet's Make A Mistake Tonight
343PixiesDregs of the Wine
342End ItFamilia Finito
341Arctic MonkeysI Ain't Quite Where I Think I Am
340Jason Isbell & the 400 UnitKing of Oklahoma
339SkrillexFine Day Anthem (ft. Boys Noize)
338Lemon Twigs, theCorner Of My Eye
337Brian Jonestown MassacreDo Rainbows Have Ends
336ScowlOpening Night
335Yo La TengoAselestine
334Cloud NothingsFinal Summer
333Noel Gallagher's High Flying BirdsEasy Now
331LiselOne At A Time
330WarmduscherLove Strong
329ProtomartyrMake Way
328King TuffTell Me
327Wild ChildEnd of the World
326Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs PigsMr. Medicine
325CrossesInvisible Hand
324shameAdderall (End of the Line)
323Jeff RosenstockLiked U Better
321Wild NothingSuburban Solutions
320Young FathersRice
318Anohni and the JohnsonsSliver of Ice
317MetallicaScreaming Suicide
316Jayda GBlue Lights
315Nicole MoudaberIntentionally
314Revivalists, theKid
312Frankie RoseAnything
311Fever RayShiver
310Beach FossilsSeconds
309Foo FightersRescued
308DJ ShadowOzone Scraper
307Sofia KourtesisMadres
306Drab MajestyThe Skin and the Glove
305KeshaEat The Acid
304Shana ClevelandFaces In the Firelight
303Dare, theGood Time
302FlumeOne Step Closer (ft. Panda Bear)
301Freak Heat WavesThe Time Has Come
300Atlin GunRakiya Su Katamam
299OvermonoIs U
298L'RainPet Rock
297VagabonCan I Talk My Shit?
296Fucked UpCicada
295Toro Y MoiSidelines
294billy woodsYear Zero (ft. Danny Brown)
293IAN SWEETSucker
292Caroline PolachekWelcome To My Island
291Madeline KenneySuperficial Conversation
290PaychequeNext In Line
289MSPAINTDelete It (ft. Militarie Gun)
288Death Valley GirlsSunday
287Helena DelandSpring Bug
286Marnie SternPlain Speak
285Indigo de SouzaSmog
284bar italiachanger
283SparklehorseIt Will Never Stop
282100 gecsHollywood Baby
281Jason Isbell & the 400 UnitMiddle of the Morning
279Speedy OrtizScabs
278Slaughter Beach, DogEngine
277Katie Deynever falter hero girl
275Middle KidsBootleg Firecracker
274FeistIn Lightning
273Bartees StrangeTisched Off
272Albert Hammond Jr.Old Man
271feeble little horseTin Man
269Maple GliderTwo Years
268Katy KirbyCubic Zirconia
267RomyThe Sea
265Claire RouseyDeceiver (ft. Helena Deland)
264Body, theHoly Lance (ft. Dis Fig)
263Porno For PyrosAgua
262Portugal, The ManDummy
261Grian ChattenBob's Casino
260Gina BirchI Play My Bass Loud
259Justin Vernonhazelton
258L7Cooler Than Mars
257Queens of the Stone AgePaper Machete
256Beach FossilsDon't Fade Away
255Breeders, theDivine Mascis
254Libertines, theRun Run Run
253A. SavageThanksgiving Prayer
252Marika HackmanNo Caffeine
251Chastity BeltHollow
250CLT DRPNew Boy
249GorillazSkinny Ape
248Death Cab For CutiePepper
247Allegra KreigerLow
246Frankie and the Witch FingersFuturephobic
245yeulex w x
244Depeche ModeWagging Tongue
243Small BlackDesert of the Heart
242boygeniusEmily, I'm Sorry
241Last Dinner Party, theSinner
240Lauren MayberryAre You Awake?
239feeble little horseSteamroller
238Men I TrustRing of Past
237Animal CollectiveDreams
236Death Cab For CutieAn Arrow In the Wall
235yuyne pinkuNight Light
234GeeseCowboy Nudes
233FishboneAll We Have Is Now
232Oneohtrix Point NeverA Barely Lit Path
231Sharon Van EttenQuiet Eyes
230Slow PulpCramps
229First Aid KitA Feeling That Never Came
228Magdalena BayTop Dog
227Caroline PolachekDang
226Kevin MorbyLike A Flower
225Lana Del ReySay Yes to Heaven
224Drop NineteensScapa Flow
223JungleCandle Flame
222Jorja SmithLittle Things
220Unknown Mortal OrchestraMeshuggah
219Kills, the103
218Car ColorsOld Death
216Drums, theI Want It All
215FeistHiding Out In the Open
214Nation of LanguageSole Obsession
213PJ HarveyLonesome Tonight
212Philip SelwayPicking Up Pieces
211Genesis OwusuTied Up!
210Future IslandsThe Fight
209Sufjan StevensShit Talk
208boygeniusAfraid of Heights
207Royal BloodShiner In the Dark
206King Gizzard and the Lizard WizardTheia
205James BlakeBig Hammer
204Nourished By TimeDaddy
203Jane RemoverLips
202Sofia KourtesisHow Music Makes You Feel Better
201Chappell RoanRed Wine Supernova
200MudhoneyAlmost Everything
198Speedy OrtizGhostwriter
197Hold Steady, theSideways Skull
196DessaHurricane Party
195Mary Jane DunpheStage of Love
194MGMTBubblegum Dog
193DaughterBe On Your Way
192Belle & SebastianI Don't Know What You See In Me
191Unknown Mortal OrchestraLayla
190Voidz, theFlexorcist
189Slaughter Beach, DogFloat Away
187Chelsea WolfeDusk
186Miss GritLain (phone clone)
185Chris FarrenCosmic Leash
184Angel Du$tRacecar
182BjorkOral (ft. ROSALIA)
181Red Hot Chili PeppersThe Drummer
180PhoenixAfter Midnight
179Being DeadBig Muriel's Day Off
177Katie Von SchleicherCranked
176BullyLose You (Ft. Soccer Mommy)
174King KruleSeaforth
173Andre 3000I Swear, I really wanted to make a rap album…"
172Manchester OrchestraThe Way
171Octo OctaLate Night Love
170Animal CollectiveSoul Capturer
168Chemical BrothersLive Again
167Milky ChanceLiving In A Haze
166BullyAll This Noise
165SamphaSpirit 2.0
164Iggy PopMorning Show
163Lemonheads, theFear of Living
162Deer TickForgiving Ties
161Nation of LanguageWeak In Your Light
160Mannequin PussyI Don't Know You
159ChromeoWords With You
158boygeniusNot Strong Enough
157GossipCrazy Again
156Sleater-KinneySay It Like You Mean It
155Earl SweatshirtThe Caliphate (ft. Vince Staples)
154Future IslandsThe Tower
153JungleBack On 74
152SpoonSugar Babies
151Fever RayKandy
150Hurray for the Riff RaffAlibi
149J MascisCan't Believe We're Here
148Jesus & Mary Chain, thejamcod
147Angel OisenNothing's Free
146Loren KramarHollywood Blvd.
145Real EstateWater Underground
144Smile, theWall of Eyes
143U.S. GirlsFutures Bet
142New Pornographers, thePontius Pilate's Home Movies
141Cut WormsI'll Never Make It
140Beach HouseHoliday House
139Faye WebsterBut Not Kiss
138Sofia KourtesisVajkoczy
137Molly BurchPhysical
136Aesop RockMindful Solutionism
134Lael NaeleIn Verona
133Sufjan StevensWill Anybody Ever Love Me?
132ShamirOversized Sweater
131Big ThiefBorn For Loving You
130Little SimzGorilla
129King Gizzard & the Lizard WizardGila Monster
128Black Belt Eagle ScoutNobody
127Hives, theCountdown to Shutdown
126Caroline RoseMiami
125Hotline TNTProtocol
124Militarie GunVery High
123BlurSt. Charles Square
122National, theYour Mind Is Not Your Friend
121Corinne Bailey RaeNew York Transit Queen
119Cherry GlazerrReady For You
118Peter GabrielRoad To Joy (Bright-Side Mix)
117Kurt VileAnother Good Year For the Roses
116MetricNothing Is Perfect
115Ben FoldsWinslow Gardens
114Middle KidsHighlands
113Blonde RedheadKiss Her Kiss Her
112Dream WifeLeech
111White ReaperPink Slip
110Jess WilliamsonHunter
109Peter GabrielFour Kinds of Horses
107Lana Del ReyDid You Know That There's A tunnel Under Ocean Blvd.
106Drums, thePlastic Envelope
105shameFingers of Steel
104WednesdayBath County
103BullyHard To Love
102Mandy, IndianaPinking Shears
101Kills, theNew York
100Sleaford ModsSo Trendy (ft. Perry Farrell)
99PretendersLet The Sun Come In
98Yves TumorEcholalia
97Arlo ParksWeightless
96MommaBang Bang
95Aphex TwinBlackbox Life Recorder 21f
94Shannon LayAngeles
93Reverend Kristin Michael HayterAll Of My Friends Are Going To Hell
92National, theAlphabet City
91Beths, theWatching the Credits
90SkrillexRumble (ft. Fred Again)
88Constant SmilesI'm On Your Side
87MGMTMother Nature
86RatboysBlack Earth, WI
85Dry CleaningSwampy
84Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs PigsUltimate Hammer
83Speedy OrtizPlus One
82Roisin MurphyThe Universe
81Chemical BrothersSkipping Like A Stone (ft. Beck)
80Katie GatelyBrute
79MJ LendermanKnockin'
78Babe RainbowSuper Ego
77Youth LagoonIdaho Alien
76Screaming FemalesBrass Bell
75Purple Disco MachineSubstitution (ft. Kungs)
74Twin TempleBurn Your Bible
73Queens of the Stone AgeEmotion Sickness
72Margo PriceChange of Heart
71BeckOdyssey (w. Phoenix)
70Sweeping PromisesGood Living Is Coming For You
69Jamilia WoodsTiny Garden
68Four TetThree Drums
67Jenny LewisPsychos
66Animal CollectiveGem & I
65Margaret GlaspyAct Natural
63Sleep TokenChokehold
61King Gizzard & the Lizard WizardHate Dancin'
60Praise KinkGold Star
59TychoTime To Run
58Big Freedia$100 Bill (feat. Ciara)
57Jason Isbell & the 400 UnitDeath Wish
56Bethany CosentinoIt's Fine
55Armand HammerThe Gods Must Be Crazy
54BeckThinking About You
53ThundercatNo More Lies (ft. Tame Impala)
52Jenn ChampionJessica
51MitskiMy Love Mine All Mine
50Yard ActThe Trench Coat Museum
49Chemical BrothersAll Of A Sudden
48DazyPressure Cooker (ft. Mannequin Pussy)
47Mandy, IndianaInjury Detail
46Thee Oh SeesIntercepted Message
45PJ HarveyI Inside The Old I Dying
44Militarie GunDo It Faster
43IDLESDancer (w/ LCD Soundsystem)
42Blonde RedheadSnowman
41Peter GabrielPanopticom
40Hotline TNTI Thought You'd Change
39Maple GliderDinah
38Youth LagoonPrizefighter
36National, theTropic Morning News
34M83Oceans Niagara
33Mandy, IndianaPeach Fuzz
32GrimesWelcome to the Opera (ft. Anyma)
31Everything But The GirlNothing Left To Lose
29Peggy Gou(It Goes Like) Nanana
28OvermonoGood Lies
27Smile, theBending Hectic
26Local NativesNYE
25MetricJust The Once
24Lael NaeleI Am The River
23Indigo De SouzaYounger & Dumber
22MitskiBug Like An Angel
21CitizenIf You're Lonely
19Last Dinner Party, theNothing Matters
18PJ HarveyA Child's Question, August
17New Pornographers, theReally Really Light
16BullyChange Your Mind
15Fred Again…Baby Again. (Ft. Skrillex & Four Tet)
14Underworldand the colour red
13Margo PriceRadio (ft. Sharon Van Etten)
11Sufjan StevensSo You Are Tired
10Depeche ModeGhosts Again
9Lana Del ReyA&W
8Hives, theBogus Operandi
7Water From Your EyesBarley
6Mannequin PussyI Got Heaven
5WednesdayChosen to Deserve
4Chemical BrothersNo Reason
3Cherry GlazerrSoft Like A Flower
2BlurThe Narcissist
1Big ThiefVampire Empire